Technical Repair Services

What Is It?

The Technical Repair Service provides prompt and reliable repairs, both on and off warranty, to educational and administrative technology devices such as Chromebooks, tablets, printers, laptops and desktop computers.   Service Includes diagnostics and parts replacement. 

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

Designated staff from districts that participate in the CNYRIC Service Code 541.010.001 - Technical Service and Repair. 

How Can I Request Assistance?

Click the "Create a Repair Ticket" to the right of this page.  Complete the requested information.  The form fields with a red * are required.  Once the form is completed, click the blue "Request" button at the bottom of the form.   After submitting the request, you will receive an email notification that summarizes all the information entered on the form.  Please print this notification and attach it to the device that gets shipped to Technical Repair Services at the CNYRIC.